Monday, 11 January 2010

The Brief.

This is the brief for the Digital Environments Project, followed by my thoughts and proposed ideas for the coming weeks.


For this project you will be working in teams of four or five students. You will all be working towards a final collaborative short film but will have the opportunity to fulfil clear and separate roles within the team.

  • You will be working to create an animated environment.
  • You will be collaborating not only with the other animators in your team, but also with designers from the environment design course.
  • Their designs will form the starting point for your work.

This environment will be modelled in 3D, UV mapped, textured and lit based upon the research of materials and environments as initially designed or propsed by IDEAS students. This research will consist of practical site visits (such as the trip to Barcelona and alternative London based venues) and associated drawing and photography, as well as academic research via the web and the LRC.

This environment must demonstrate integral animation, it could be mechanical such as machinery, doors, windows, windmills etc, or it could be more organic, and atmospheric, such as the effects of wind on plants, weather conditions etc. It could be a much more long term animation to show the effect of years passing, rather than minutes. For those of you who feel that you are more character animators than computer visualisers you can focus upon contextualising the designed environment by populating it with characters using that environment, it may be that the environment is being used in an unintended or unexpected way that has evolved through public interaction with the space. (Was the South Bank designed for skateboarding or parkour?).

It may be easier for you to think about defining the way in which you will approach this project by choosing one of the themes listed below.

a) Changes over time (historic).

b) Changes in weather or lighting (climatic).

c) Changes in use of the environment (contextual).

Although you will be working as part of a team towards your final animation, you will also be required to provide evidence of your individual contribution to the project via a blogged design journal where you will document your personal research, experimentation, and acquiring of new skills.

Initial Thoughts.

I really like the brief, and i'm definitely excited to get started. Obviously making groups has been slightly troublesome as the snow has meant cancelled classes for a week now. However I like the idea of taking initial ideas and information about materials from a course more qualified to give such advise.

Environments has such a broad meaning, and my mind is already doing overtime thinking about films i've seen lately and thinking of how i can incorporate all the aspects into one idea. Hopefully this will become easier when we are put into our groups.

I think in this project there are 3 things i would like to contribute to; concept, modeling and texturing. These are 3 aspects that interest me a great deal and i would like to work on to further my abilities.

I guess thats it for now... more posts when I am settled in a group and know what I am working towards.

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